The Cultural Association Ziggurat, in 2002, takes the place of a pre-existing truth, the Association “Circle AND/OR”, that was born in 1995, whose main objective was to favor the exchange between the various cultures, creating encounter moments that could act as catalyst to such outcome.
The new associative truth, maintains the original purposes, but extends the field of participation prefixing the attainment of new results.
Like place of sharing of cultural values and social experimentation, the Association has like object the promotion and organization of activity and cultural festival, plans and events of cultural and social character, to value and to stimulate the creative abilities to an user that often is found in conditions of socio-economic disadvantage.
After more 6-year-old of activity and experience in promoting cultural manifestations and events, the Ziggurat Association seems to have found an own organization, that afford to undertake and to organize cultural initiatives and social plans, in the long term.
Every member of the Association has learned, from own experiences, to organize at the best and to manage also the more complex events, acquiring greater responsibilities and organizational and professional abilities.
The Association, today, is itself organized with a stable staff of prepared and competent associates working in team to the realization, valorization, promotion and organization of cultural manifestations and events.
Holding in consideration how much exposed, the Association has matured remarkable experiences and ability in the within of the appraisal, of own participations and of satisfaction of the user, having carried out own activities with criteria and methods that guarantee the well-being organizational and the safety.
It fulfills to such task through periodic measurements of the processes, of the plans and of the objectives, bringing, there where necessary, actions of improvement in order to guarantee and to increase the quality of the services offers.